For a long time, I felt like my efforts were not enough.

I would swallow my pride and ask Jesus if they were and He would graciously confirm that they indeed were beautiful offerings and quite enough.

I could not see it though so I strived some more to do more, be more, say more, decide more, pray more, study more, and love even harder than before.

Then… I’d crash and burn.

Rest would come, recovery would come, energy and the need to do more, be more, say more, etc would rise. Swelling my insides to feel incomplete.

I’ve heard my mama say my whole life, that we’ve come from a long line of people pleasers. For the good of that fact, I’m glad to be known as someone who cares to ablige. But for the bad of it, I’ve often felt weary and still confused as to why nothing seemed to be “good enough” or make that much of a “difference.”

Then the Holy Spirit spoke to my mind and heart, my will…

“You are my BeLoved and that is more than enough.”

It’s sooooo easy in 2015 to find causes, needs, and just a little more to fill your time with. Helping is good. Doing something, is not bad. But compensating for your own lack of confidence in you being enough as is, is exahausting and not a part of the grand plan for you life.

The recognition that my life was complete because Christ lived in me, and I was created in God’s image, changed my life. And that was the moment when my work really started to be meaningful. I realized my purpose… my destiny, more than ever and it wasn’t wrapped up in a mission, it was a lifestyle.

This lifestyle is one lived by the BeLoved.

Free to be me.

My heart now feels at peace, knowing I am enough but still aches for those who don’t know who they are or why they are here. So I’ll do that. Share that. See others moved by that. Because THAT is my calling as Christs’ BeLoved and it’s enough.

“Have you felt worn out by trying so hard to please people… or even God? Tell us how you have felt in the comments below and how Papa God has shown you that you are enough as His creation. Also, feel free to submit YOUR BeLoved Story by clicking here!”